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Vitamin D is not only essential for stable bones and for the cell metabolism of many organs. An adequate supply also protects against cardiovascular diseases, various infectious diseases, diabetes, bone diseases and autoimmune diseases. The sun vitamin is also playing an increasingly important role in cancer research.

It is therefore all the more important to be able to determine the vitamin D content in the body quickly and easily. Thanks to our new point of care analyzer, the DX 365 Igloo, you can determine vitamin D quickly, easily and close to the patient in the practice or pharmacy. The Igloo is not only small and handy. It is also portable, making it ideal for home visits to patients. One battery charge can take up to 100 measurements. The device has IVD and CE approval and has been validated by German laboratories. The test consists of a quantitative rapid test for the immunological determination of 25(OH)-vitamin D.

The application is particularly simple and especially pleasant for the patient. This is because the determination is carried out using a blood sample from the fingertip. The result is available within 15 minutes and is evaluated by the software according to the reference values. The app can be easily downloaded to a PC for Windows, Android, Mac or iOS.

Additional rapid tests for cortisol and testosterone are available for the cute analyzer. Rapid tests for vitamin B12, ferritin and other parameters are also currently under development. All information and our detailed product flyer can be found by clicking on the button.

We would be pleased to present the Igloo to you in practice. Please arrange your free consultation appointment at your location.

Do you only offer isolated vitamin D tests and do not want to invest in an analyzer? Then we recommend our device-independent vitamin D rapid test in combination with a smartphone app.

Would you like to analyze other parameters close to the patient? Then get to know our Point of Care BIOspeed analyzer for practices and pharmacies.

By |2024-03-26T10:04:03+01:00March 26th, 2024|


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