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Liquid urine quality controls

Liquid urine quality controls2022-11-30T16:23:10+01:00

Urine quality controls for urine diagnostics

Cystatin C Reagent and Calibrator

In patients with symptoms of diseases of the kidneys and the efferent urinary tract, qualitative and quantitative laboratory tests are important factors for diagnosis. Initially, a test strip is usually used to determine qualitative factors such as pH, the presence of total protein, glucose, blood components such as haemoglobin/erocytes and leucocytes or nitrite in the urine. If the screening results for one of the parameters are positive, a quantitative analysis shall be performed on the clinical chemistry analyser.

Urine quality controls for urine diagnostics with test strips

The liquid quality urine control Duotrol® U Dipstick is based on human urine and is used for monitoring qualitative and semi-quantitative analytical conditions in urine diagnostics. It can be used in various instruments for rapid urinalysis and for urine test strips as a control for parameters such as pH, protein in urine, bilirubin, glucose and ketones. The user can compare the reading to expectation ranges by visual or instrument evaluation, thus ensuring consistent reagent and instrument performance.

Applicable for different devices and test strips
Liquid quality control for urine analysis
Urine quality controls for urine diagnostics in the analysis machine

Duotrol® Urin Liquid, a liquid quality control based on human urine matrix, is used to monitor analytical conditions in the clinical laboratory in quantitative urine diagnostics. Among other things, it enables control in the quantification of parameters such as urea, uric acid, sodium, chloride, creatinine (enzymatic method and Jaffé method), glucose, total protein, microalbumin and hCG.

Indications for urine diagnostics
One speaks of proteinuria when an excessive excretion of protein (albumen) occurs via the urine. Increased protein excretion can be a temporary event (benign reversible proteinuria) or pathological. A pathological proteinuria can have various causes, for example increased albumin (albuminuria) can be excreted.
Haemoglobin in urine can be an indication of haemolysis, kidney disease (e.g. tumours) or bleeding in the lower urinary tract, but also of poisoning or heart attack.

Increased leukocyte counts in the urine occur in inflammatory diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract.

In diabetes mellitus, the amount of glucose in the urine increases; this is referred to as glucosuria. In addition to elevated blood glucose levels, glucosuria can also be caused by reduced reabsorption of glucose from the primary urine due to diseases of the renal tubules (diabetes renalis).

The nitrite present in the urine may be indicative of bacteriuria. The most common urinary pathogens reduce nitrate present in urine to nitrite.
Ketones in urine are an indication of ketosis or ketoacidosis. This can occur with diabetes mellitus, hunger or prolonged low intake of carbohydrates.

Bei Diabetes mellitus ist die Glukosemenge im Urin erhöht; dies wird als Glukosurie bezeichnet. Neben einem erhöhten Blutzuckerspiegel kann eine Glukosurie auch durch eine verminderte Rückresorption von Glukose aus dem Primärharn aufgrund von Erkrankungen der Nierentubuli (Diabetes renalis) verursacht werden.

Duotrol Urine Liquid and U Dipstick for urine analysis by BIOMED Labordiagnostik

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