Pappenheim Stain

Pappenheim Stain2021-07-08T11:21:32+02:00

Staining solutions for panoptical staining according to Pappenheim

Giemsa May-Grünwald

The panoptic/panchromatic staining according to Pappenheim is a combination of May-Grünwald staining and Giemsa staining. It is used for the staining of blood smears to show basophilic, neutrophilic and eosinophilic blood structures. This fast and differential staining is the recommended method to differentiate cell types. Morphological details in different tissues, mast cell degranulation as well as bacteria and parasites in blood smears can also be visualized. For the detection of Trichomonas in vaginal smears the staining according to Pappenheim is also recommended. The Pappenheim staining solutions can  be used for air-dried preparations for cytodiagnostics and haematological diagnostics. It can be applied manually and in automatic staining machines. The stained preparation can be used for microscopic analysis of the blood smear and allows conclusions to be drawn about the structure of blood cells, which cannot be detected by automatic counting and differentiation alone. The clinical interpretation of each histological staining is based on the appearance and staining behaviour and thus the morphology of the tissue structures. It should be supplemented by appropriate controls and evaluated by a qualified pathologist within the context of the patient’s clinical history and other diagnostic tests.

A visual impression can be found in our subheading staining results.

All product components of staining solutions can be used immediately and are available in 1 L bottles. The staining solutions are CE-certified in vitro diagnostics and can be used in clinical diagnostics.

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