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Staining Solutions

Staining Solutions2022-11-29T15:05:41+01:00

Staining Solutions for Microscopy

A key objective of laboratory diagnostics is the reliable and safe classification of pathologically altered tissue dressings and the assessment of cell morphology. This is done on both vital and dead tissues and cells as part of pathological, histological, cytological, gynaecological, urological, parasitological, oncological and veterinary laboratory examinations. The microscopic examination of tissues and cells requires a comprehensive assessment, preparation and preservation of the preparations.

For microscopic examination of cell or tissue samples, the respective samples can be placed on slides and stained to identify and quantify the individual components under the microscope. Staining helps in the interpretation of smears, swabs, tissue sections, sediments, ejaculates, etc.. They are carried out according to standardised protocols to ensure comparability.

BIOMED supports laboratories with standardized, ready-to-use staining solutions  for different overview stains and special staining methods. BIOMED staining solutions can be used manually or with an automatic slide stainer. On the following pages you can find out about our various staining solutions for laboratory diagnostics.

Reagent for cell lysis from BIOMED Labordiagnostik
Staining solutions by BIOMED

Gramyfix is a product for the preparation of microbiological preparations for optical microscopy to distinguish between Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. Here you get more information about BIOMED Gram staining.

With the Pappenheim staining (May-Grünwald-Giemsa or MGG) blood and bone marrow components are distinguished. Here you will find more information about BIOMED’s staining solutions for Pappenheim staining.

For the needs of the daily laboratory routine a simplified quick staining or a modified Pappenheim staining is well suited to get an overview. With the BIOMED Hemafix® staining solutions you get a meaningful overview staining within a few minutes. Here you will find more information about Biomeds Hemafix®.

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BIOMED Staining Solutions

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