Clinical Chemistry

Clinical Chemistry2022-06-13T16:10:05+02:00
Klinische Chemie

Clinical Chemistry:

BIOMED products: Quality Controls, Calibrators & Reagents

Clinical chemistry is a subfield of medicine. It deals with the analysis of chemical parameters or chemical processes that occur in the course of physiological and biochemical processes in the body.

“Clinical chemical examinations are an indispensable part of medical practice. They are performed in connection with medical actions such as diagnosis, prognosis, therapy and course assessment in all cultural states. (…) The effectiveness of medical actions depends on the reliability of clinical-chemical examinations. (…) But is a reliable analytical result already sufficient basis for a medical action?”

(Source: Greiling, Helmut/Gressner, Axel M./Büttner, Johannes (eds.) (1987): Lehrbuch der klinischen Chemie und Pathobiochemie. Stuttgart New York: Schattauer, p. 3.)

Thus writes Professor Dr. Stamm, who also mentions the following as further factors influencing the clinical-chemical test results:

  • “Preparation of the patient (e.g., last food intake before a glucose determination)”
  • “Drugs and their metabolites”
  • “Changes in the test material during storage”.

Thus, the laboratory specialist must carefully assess the respective results within the framework of preanalytics in order to pass the results judged to be valid to the respective colleague, who assesses the results within the framework of the patient’s clinical questions. Here, the results are considered in the course and in comparison with normal and pathological results.

This results in “a clinical-chemical finding (…), which is fundamentally to be distinguished from an analytical result”.

(Source: Greiling, Helmut/Gressner, Axel M./Büttner, Johannes (Hrg.) (1987): Lehrbuch der klinischen Chemie und Pathobiochemie. Stuttgart New York: Schattauer, S. 3.)

This methodology can reflect on 5,000 years of development and has experienced another paradigm shift with the beginning of the 20th century: The focus has expanded from acute diagnostics (injuries, infection and disease diagnostics, etc.) to preventive care and prevention. In the 21st century, this is also reflected in health policy developments: on July 25, 2015, for example, the Prevention Act will come into force in Germany, the purpose of which is to strengthen health promotion and prevention.

BIOMED offers products for physicians within the scope of laboratory diagnostic analysis and prevention for various specialist areas: Protein diagnostics, urine diagnostics, immunology, infection diagnostics, bacteriology, microscopy, histopathology, microbiology.

Take a look at our products, let us advise you and try out what suits you best.

Unsere Qualitätskontrollen für die klinische Chemie sind geprüft, zertifiziert und entsprechen den Anforderungen der RiliBÄK
Products for clinical chemistry

BIOMED Clinical Chemistry Products:

BIOMED clinical chemistry  Quality Controls: 

The ready-to-use Multianalyt-Duotrol® quality controls are reliable, precise and available in clinically relevant concentration ranges. Different package sizes, easy handling and the ability to be used on different analyzers for a variety of methods are further advantages. In addition to universal controls, our Duotrol® control range includes: CSF controls, protein controls, urine controls, electrophoresis controls, CRP controls and special controls.

BIOMED clinical chemistry Calibrators:

Our tested and certified Duocal® calibrators meet the requirements of RiliBÄK.

BIOMED clinical chemistry Reagents:

Discover our wide range of clinical chemistry reagents for determination in serum, plasma or urine.

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