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Many studies show the great importance of vitamin D on numerous metabolic processes in the human body. It regulates the immune system, the hormone system, our emotions and strengthens the bones.

During the 16th Heilpraktikerkongress des Südens in Munich on July 8, 2023, we measured the vitamin D3 level in the capillary blood of our booth visitors at our booth. Our new and super handy quick test device ‘Igloo‘ was used.

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin and is found in foods such as cheese, fish, eggs and milk. It is also produced in the skin when exposed to the sun and is therefore also known as the ‘sunshine vitamin’.

People with vitamin D deficiency suffer from symptoms such as fatigue, immune deficiency and emotional upset. To counteract these symptoms, an adequate vitamin D supply is essential.

People with too high a vitamin D level may experience excessive storage of calcium. Problems such as kidney stones, cardiac arrhythmias, nausea, loss of appetite and abdominal cramps may occur.

Monitoring the vitamin D supply in the body is therefore of great importance. Dietary supplements should only be taken under control of the vitamin D blood level.

There are different forms of vitamin D:

  1. The fat-soluble vitamin D2 (25-OH vitamin D) that is absorbed from food. It is detectable in the body in the blood circulation for about 3 weeks and is therefore suitable as a reference for vitamin D supply.
  2. Vitamin D3 (1,25-(OH)-2-vitamin D), also called vitamin D hormone. It is formed in the skin under the influence of sunlight. In addition, it is also formed at the kidney by metabolizing vitamin D2. It is the active, effective form of vitamin D. However, it is quite unstable and detectable in the body only for a short time. Therefore, it is not particularly well suited as a measurement for vitamin D supply.

The recommended reference ranges for vitamin D levels are as follows:

< 20 ng/mL means a deficit
20 – 30 ng/mL means an insufficient supply
30 – 100 ng/mL means an adequate supply

At the 16th Heilpraktikerkongress des Südens in Munich on July 8, the vitamin D3 level in the capillary blood of 41 people was measured with our new rapid test device ‘Igloo’, including 40 women and one man. The estimated age of the participants was between 30 and 60 years.

In 25 persons (61%) an adequate vitamin D supply of more than 30 ng/mL was measured. Inadequate vitamin D supply between 20 and 30 ng/mL was measured in 8 individuals (20%), and a deficit was present in 5 individuals (12%).

The results show that despite the current summer months, many people are still vitamin D deficient.

Most of the test subjects stated that they were taking vitamin D supplements. However, among those who showed a vitamin D deficit, there were also people who were already taking vitamin D supplements. Apparently, the compositions and dosage forms of the supplements have a strong influence on whether the vitamin can be absorbed and metabolized in the body. It is also possible that genetic factors and the composition of the intestinal flora influence the metabolism and the body’s ability to absorb and store vitamin D.

Booth visitors were pleased to have the opportunity for vitamin D testing. Some of the naturopaths present were so enthusiastic about the easy handling of our practical Igloo test device that they would like to use it themselves soon for vitamin D testing of their patients in the practice. Others preferred our device-independent vitamin D quick test, which can read the results with a smartphone app.

By |2024-03-26T10:03:54+01:00March 26th, 2024|


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